Big Dales Place

Whats up in the world with Big Dale and his family

Monday, October 09, 2006


Well the weekend started as good as it possibly could. Dakota won his soccer game. We made it to the race course with plenty of time to ride. So off on a pre-ride I went Dakota in tow. Well I asked dakota if he would be fine and then off I went with Bob and Sean. Rode the course shot up the equalizer with no problems. So anyway race day comes. Dakota race went as normal. He finised in the top 10. So I get ready to go. I sitting in the pack waiting to hear Don yell GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I want to sit anywere from 2 to 5 in my age on the first lap. So I hear GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and I'm off sticking to the plan. We get to te equalizer yep I'm 5th just like I had planned. I start climbing passing moving up and then it happened. My Knee went. I dabed about 10 feet from the top. limped up tried to go again and nothing. It hurt so bad to push with my left leg. So since I had third place locked up in the series I decided that a trail ride was in order to finish the race. Man did it suck that that was all I could do because I was in a position to win. I finisehed the race in 5TH to my suprise. I didn't realize that I passed people again. Overall it was a good day. I'll spend the next week rehabing the knee and looking for a job still. Hope to do atleast a cross race this year. I might even sneak over to the night race this friday.
Good Riding to all you CLYDES see you at the banquet. Time to start huntin and killin.


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