Big Dales Place

Whats up in the world with Big Dale and his family

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

This Blog Sucks

This thing here really sucks. But any way This last race was a blast. Chippewa has always been my favorite race since it started 4 years ago. So much to do for the family and who can beat 5 dollar all you can eat food. Well I have to give props to Rumby for manning up and racing with the rest of us losers. I feel that I made the right decision after the first race to take a step down and start enjoying riding again. I mean I almost stepped away from racing all together. What most people don't understand is I was very sick over the winter and still into race season. I cost me any chance of training. I only was able to get the problem solved close to 3 weeks ago. Who would of thought that a guy growing up in good old Brat land would end up with a pork allergy. This really sucks but I will have to deal with it. I mean there are turkey and chicken brats right. Well any way Best of luck to Rumby. I will be moving out of the cit clydes at some point. I may do Sunburst in my age group and see how it goes. Sport will have to wait for some point in time next year. To all of you who have given me crap you try and be sick for 5 months and still ride. At least I am still racing.

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